Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feed me

Australia is not a cheap country. Backpackers arriving in Brisbane are always shocked about the costs. I don't mean NYC-level costs but definitely DC-level costs.

Jeff and I aren't eating out nearly as much as we do in DC (again, cost) so I'm cooking a lot more. But, for just the two of us, we're regularly spending $70-$100 a week in groceries and we're not doing anything extravagant (or even all that interesting) in the kitchen. Lots of chicken. Lots of pasta-n-sauce. Veggies. Rice. Couscous.

Now, back in DC Jeff is responsible for the grocery shopping so I'm not as intimate with grocery costs as I am here. Here's some recent examples. High or I'm just out of touch with grocery costs?

24-pack Coca-cola: $24
6.5 pounds potatoes: $8
18 oz yogurt: $5.69
1 leek: $2.65


  1. What? That's insane!! Those are high prices. The only one that seems remotely close is the yogurt...but only if it were organic fancy Greek style extra thick.

  2. Yeah, that's kinda nutty. Here's current prices from peapod:

    24-pack Coca-cola: $8.99
    6.5 pounds potatoes: $6.50 (fancy organic)
    18 oz yogurt: $2.41 (plain)
    leeks: 3.99 per bunch (though I don't know how much is in a bunch)

  3. It was the "really good" yogurt (I *love* the Queensland Yogurt brand) and a pretty large leek but the potatoes were both completely ordinary and covered in dirt chunks (normal around here) that I have to wash off.
