Monday, August 15, 2011

We Have Re-Entry!

Well, we're back. Despite yet more fun fun times! with American Airlines, we are back in DC. Jeff arrived July 31, I arrived August 1 (it was 1:30 am when my flight finally got here).

After 2 weeks, I'm about 95% back on US time. I still have trouble remembering what day it is. Once I start seeing clients again (later today), I think I'll get back in synch with the calendar.

The heat and humidity hit me as soon as I walked out of the airport and it was oddly welcoming. "Oh yes, I remember you!" We haven't had the insane heat of July but it's been plenty hot and humid enough.

I discovered (remembered?) on that very first day -- after I woke up -- that heat smells different here than it does in Australia. I can only presume what I was smelling was the effect of the heat on both the plant life and the building materials of Washington DC and those aren't the same as Brisbane. Again, it was oddly comforting.

I spent one particularly hot and humid day running errands, which had me outside for most of the afternoon walking all over my half of the city. I was sweating like a pro football player and, um, loving it. It's not that I particularly love sweating but I was enjoying being on my feet and being in the outdoors. I fear the Queenslanders may have converted me into a fresh air fiend!

In some ways, Australia is beginning to feel like a dream. Did that really happen? Was I really there? The coupla-thousand pictures on my hard drive gives me some reassurance it really happened. Plus, I made my first deposit this morning into my Oz Savings account, which will (if all goes as planned) get me back to Australia in about 18 months.

The things I was dreading about returning to DC are still here. My mom is overjoyed to have me back and my sisters even seem pleased with it. My housemate is working hard to engage with us. I think more conversations need to ensue. My prison-bound friend is still prison-bound and I've visited with him twice and will continue to visit weekly. His larger circle-of-support is very glad to see me back and have wrapped me into their efforts to help him with this transition.

My return to Augustana Lutheran was pure joy. We hosted an Aussie-style bbq our first Sunday back and they loved it (particularly the grad students and 20-somethings who are always up for free food).

Got my first client tonight (and she's going to be a doozy!) and two more on Thursday. Got writing time scheduled in for Wednesday and Thursday. I'm getting back into "work" mode.

And DC? Just as intense (and sometimes angry) as I remember it. Beautiful and sad at the same time. Too serious most of the time. It's....DC.

And I'm back home in it.

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